Podcast Marketing Agency – GHA Podcast

In the world of digital marketing, the distinction between influence marketing and traditional influencer marketing has become increasingly significant. This approach prioritizes strategic goals and genuine connections over content creation to drive meaningful actions within a target audience.

At the forefront of this evolving field is Jason Falls, the Executive Producer of the Marketing Podcast Network (MPN). He offers invaluable insights into harnessing the power of influence marketing.

In this article, based on Jason’s insights, we will dive into the approach of influence marketing. We will highlight its effectiveness in achieving specific business objectives through targeted, thoughtful strategies.

We will also explore the transformative impact of podcasting in establishing thought leadership and fostering professional networks, particularly in the realm of influence marketing.

Moreover, the challenges and opportunities presented by podcasting, alongside the community-centric vision of the Marketing Podcast Network, offer a comprehensive understanding of how influence marketing can be effectively leveraged for business growth.

How Influence Marketing Differs from Influencer Marketing

Influence marketing focuses on strategic goals rather than content creators. This approach emphasizes influencing an audience to take specific actions, such as purchasing products or changing perceptions about a brand. The core objective is to affect change in the target audience through carefully crafted marketing strategies.

How Influence Marketing Differs from Influencer Marketing

Strategic Focus Over Content Creators

The emphasis is on strategic goals, not just on influencers. This means looking beyond social media personalities to understand who genuinely influences the target audience’s decisions. For example, in local businesses, key influencers could be community leaders or educators rather than online celebrities.

The Role of Influence in Marketing

  • Influence Over Awareness: The strategy revolves around influencing decisions and behaviors rather than raising brand awareness.
  • Customized Strategies: Tailoring marketing efforts to specific audience segments ensures higher engagement and effectiveness. This could mean focusing on niche influencers who directly impact the target market.
  • Beyond Social Media: Influence marketing extends beyond digital platforms to include any influential figure or method that can drive the desired action from the target audience.

Implementation and Goals

Implementing influence marketing requires a clear understanding of the brand’s goals. Whether aiming for brand awareness or direct action, identifying the right influencers and strategies is crucial. This approach demands a shift from traditional influencer marketing to a more nuanced understanding of influence dynamics.

Influence Marketing in Practice

Falls and Partners exemplify this strategy by developing smart influence marketing strategies that drive real change. By, Identifying the right paths of influence they help businesses achieve their objectives. These objectives include increasing sales, raising awareness, or changing public perception.

The Impact of Podcasting on Influence Marketing Consultancy

Podcasts serve as a vital tool for professionals to establish themselves as experts in their field. This medium allows for sharing in-depth knowledge and insights, positioning the host as a thought leader.

Particularly in specialized areas like influence marketing, podcasts create a platform for engaging discussions that highlight the host’s expertise.

The Impact of Podcasting on Influence Marketing Consultancy

Enhancing Visibility and Credibility

  • Thought Leadership: Hosting a podcast can significantly boost one’s reputation as an expert. By featuring other thought leaders, the host’s credibility is further enhanced through association, creating a cycle of increasing influence.
  • Professional Networking: Interviews and discussions with industry leaders provide valuable content and expand the host’s professional network, potentially leading to new business opportunities.

Podcasting’s Impact on Business Development

Podcasts can directly contribute to business growth. While initially aimed at promoting other ventures, such as a book, the ongoing nature of podcasting allows for continual promotion and engagement. Over time, this consistent output helps to attract consulting inquiries and retain client interest.

Strategic Content Creation

  • Content Diversity: Producing a podcast encourages the exploration of various topics within the field, keeping the content fresh and engaging.
  • Research Benefits: Preparing for podcast episodes demands thorough research. This ensures the host stays informed about the latest trends and developments in influence marketing.

Building Long-Term Relationships

Podcasting facilitates the development of long-standing client relationships. Hosts consistently deliver insightful content to maintain relevance and stay top-of-mind among their audience.

This enduring presence supports sustained business over many years, proving the value of long-term content strategies.

Staying Informed and Competitive

  • Industry Insights: Regular interactions with software developers, content creators, and other professionals through podcasting provide a comprehensive view of the industry, making the host a more effective consultant.
  • Continuous Learning: The necessity to stay current for podcast episodes translates into a deeper understanding of the field, which can be leveraged to offer cutting-edge advice and solutions to clients.

Podcasting is not merely a content delivery platform but a significant driver of professional development and business growth in influence marketing. Podcasts are crucial in establishing and maintaining expertise in this dynamic field by fostering thought leadership, enhancing visibility, and enabling continuous learning.

The Challenges of Podcasting for Influence Marketing

The primary challenge in podcasting, especially for those seeking to leverage it for influence marketing, is managing time effectively. Producing a podcast involves several steps, including scheduling interviews, recording, and post-production tasks.

This can become a significant time investment for individuals who prefer a hands-on approach to ensure quality. The key to overcoming this challenge lies in balancing personal involvement in production and possibly outsourcing certain tasks without compromising the podcast’s essence.

The Challenges of Podcasting

One of the main hurdles is ensuring each episode aligns with the podcast’s unique perspective. For podcasts centered around influence marketing, it’s crucial to consistently incorporate this focus into conversations. This ensures each discussion is distinct and valuable to the listener.

Leveraging Podcasting for Continuous Learning

Engaging with various guests provides a unique opportunity for hosts to deepen their understanding of influence marketing. This constant interaction with experts and practitioners in the field serves as an ongoing learning experience. It enables hosts to stay updated with industry trends and insights.

  1. Investing Time in Research: Adequate preparation for each episode is essential for producing compelling content. This involves dedicating time to understanding the guest’s background and crafting questions to elicit informative and engaging responses.
  2. Managing Professional and Personal Obligations: For podcasters, finding the time to focus on their podcast without neglecting work commitments or personal life is a delicate balancing act. This often means recording interviews during work hours and spending evenings or weekends on production and editing.
  3. Insights from Guest Interactions: Guest conversations can profoundly impact a host’s understanding of their field. For instance, discussions around multicultural marketing strategies offer new insights into influence marketing.
  4. Rethinking Influencer Collaboration: A common misstep in influence marketing is prioritizing the influencer’s reach over strategic alignment with the brand’s goals. Successful influence marketing requires viewing influencers as partners who can creatively engage their audience in ways that align with the brand’s objectives rather than merely as vehicles for message dissemination.

So, podcasting presents unique challenges, from the time commitment required for production to balancing it with professional responsibilities. However, it also offers unparalleled opportunities for learning, networking, and staying abreast of industry trends.

Influence marketing thrives on strategic collaboration with influencers and emphasizes genuine influence over superficial metrics. It also requires maintaining authenticity in every campaign.

Building a Thriving Community Through the Marketing Podcast Network

The Marketing Podcast Network (MPN) is a unique platform connecting around 60 marketing-focused podcasts, creating a specialized ad network for marketers.

The network’s foundation stems from a desire to overcome the challenges of audience growth and monetization individual podcasters face.

Building a Thriving Community Through the Marketing Podcast Network

By joining forces, MPN podcasts offer advertisers a direct channel to a concentrated audience of marketing professionals.

Key Features of the Marketing Podcast Network

  • Targeted Advertising Opportunities: Advertisers can reach a marketing-savvy audience across multiple podcasts, ensuring their message is heard by relevant listeners. LinkedIn Marketing Solutions is a prime example of the type of advertiser benefiting from MPN’s targeted approach.
  • Community and Collaboration: Beyond advertising, MPN fosters a community where podcasters share knowledge, cross-promote each other’s work, and support mutual growth. This community aspect is central to MPN’s mission, emphasizing collective success over individual gain.

Overcoming Industry Challenges with Community Support

The inception of MPN was motivated by the founder’s personal experiences with networks that failed to deliver on promises of cross-promotion and revenue sharing. Determined to create a more equitable and supportive environment, MPN ensures that:

  • Podcasts are Cross-Promoted: Every member show receives exposure across the network, regardless of size or decision to participate in the ad network.
  • Revenue is Shared Fairly: Ad revenue is evenly distributed among participating podcasts, promoting a spirit of cooperation and mutual support.

Joining the Marketing Podcast Network

Joining MPN is straightforward, focusing on inclusivity and simplicity:

  • Hosting Requirements: Interested podcasts must move their hosting to MPN’s server, a technical step necessary for ad network integration and cross-promotion functionality.
  • Flexible Participation: Podcasts can include dynamic ad insertions without fees for those participating in the ad network. For those opting out of ads, a nominal membership fee covers hosting costs and network participation.

The Power of Community in Podcasting

MPN exemplifies how a focused community can elevate the entire field of marketing podcasting. By prioritizing shared success and continuous learning, MPN members access a wealth of resources, from technical support to strategic insights from industry leaders.

Regular virtual meetings and a dedicated Slack channel keep the community engaged and supportive, reinforcing the value of collective effort in achieving individual goals.


At its core, influence marketing is about strategic collaboration and genuine engagement. This comprehensive exploration underscores the importance of distinguishing between leveraging influencers and exerting genuine influence.

For brands and marketers, the key lies in understanding that success in influence marketing is not merely about tapping into an influencer’s audience but about fostering meaningful connections that drive action.

Moreover, the integration of podcasting into the influence marketing strategy demonstrates the medium’s power to establish thought leadership, enhance visibility, and promote continuous learning within the industry.

By focusing on strategic goals and cultivating authentic partnerships with influencers, brands can navigate the evolving landscape of influence marketing more effectively. The emergence of platforms like the Marketing Podcast Network further illustrates the significance of community in amplifying the reach and impact of influence marketing efforts.

In conclusion, by prioritizing strategic objectives and embracing the collaborative essence of influence marketing, businesses can unlock the full potential of their marketing initiatives.


What makes podcasting an effective medium for influence marketing?

Podcasting allows for in-depth discussions, personal storytelling, and direct engagement with listeners, making it an ideal platform for building authentic relationships and influencing decisions.

What are the first steps in starting a podcast for influence marketing?

Begin with defining your niche and target audience, planning content that aligns with your marketing goals, and setting up the necessary recording equipment and podcast hosting services.

Can small businesses effectively use podcasting to influence marketing?

Yes, small businesses can leverage podcasting by focusing on niche topics, offering unique insights, and targeting specific audiences to build influence and engage potential customers.

What role does storytelling play in podcasting to influence marketing?

Storytelling is crucial in podcasting as it helps to humanize brands, create emotional connections, and convey messages in an engaging manner that resonates with listeners.

How can podcasting complement other influence marketing strategies?

Podcasting can enhance other marketing efforts by providing additional content for social media, creating opportunities for cross-promotion, and establishing a voice of authority in the industry.

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