Podcast Marketing Agency – GHA Podcast

In the world of digital marketing and entrepreneurship, staying ahead requires skill and the insight to harness powerful tools and platforms. Kajabi offers tremendous potential for coaches and training companies aiming to scale their businesses.

Andy Brown is a London-based Kajabi expert and the visionary behind Great Circle Digital. With a comprehensive suite of services spanning digital marketing, web development, SEO, and social media marketing, Andy has carved a niche as a go-to authority in leveraging Kajabi’s capabilities for business growth.

In this article, we will dive into Andy’s strategic approach to digital marketing with podcasting, showcasing his journey from a corporate job to founding an enterprise that champions entrepreneurial freedom.

You will gain insights into the practical aspects of digital strategy, client success stories, and the essence of building a business that aligns with personal values and aspirations. We will also explore the intersection of technology and entrepreneurial spirit, guided by a leader reshaping the landscape for coaches and training entities worldwide.

Andy’s Journey from Corporate Career to Entrepreneurial Freedom

Andy shared his journey from running a business called Disruptors Club to founding One Life. Initially, Disruptors Club aimed to help people break free from corporate Life and start their ventures. This concept gained traction before the COVID-19 pandemic.

Andy's Journey from Corporate Career to Entrepreneurial Freedom

However, as the pandemic unfolded, people’s priorities shifted towards discovering personal fulfillment, seeking adventure, and finding a sense of community. Responding to these changes, Andy rebranded Disruptors Club to One Life, focusing on helping individuals explore their true selves and desires.

Transition from Corporate Job to Starting a Business

Andy vividly recounted his dramatic departure from his corporate job, which led him to start his own business. Frustrated with his job, he quit abruptly and embarked on an entrepreneurial journey without a clear plan.

This bold move eventually led to the creation of Great Circle, his first venture. He underscored that while his approach was unconventional and not necessarily advisable, it marked the beginning of his entrepreneurial path.

First Client and Business Growth

Andy’s initial client experience was with a business with ski chalets in France. This project involved:

  • Traveling to France for a firsthand experience.
  • Using his amateur photography skills.
  • Creating a marketing campaign for the client’s next season.

This experience kick-started his business growth, showing the importance of seizing unique opportunities.

Identifying Clientele and Their Needs

Reflecting on his clientele, Andy noticed a trend where individuals from corporate backgrounds, particularly those feeling overwhelmed by their jobs, were seeking a change. These clients shared a common desire to escape the pressures of corporate Life and pursue more fulfilling paths.

Andy’s story of helping a single mother transition from an accountant to a successful entrepreneur exemplifies the transformative impact of his guidance.

The Importance of Pursuing Fulfillment

Andy stressed living beyond the routine of weekdays and holidays. He believes in:

  • Choosing to build a business or live an amazing life.
  • The freedom to pursue one’s passions.
  • The importance of living life on one’s terms.

This belief is central to One Life’s mission, inspiring others to seek fulfillment.

Starting his Podcast

The podcast initiative was born out of a desire to share stories of individuals who had successfully transitioned from traditional careers to entrepreneurial ventures. Andy highlighted the diversity of guests and stories featured on the podcast, which served as a source of inspiration and community for listeners.

The podcast’s success reinforced the value of starting small and the power of sharing authentic experiences.

How To Start Digital Marketing With Podcasting

Starting a podcast is straightforward:

  1. Choose a topic: Pick a conversation you’re passionate about.
  2. Record your conversation: Use any online meeting tool or a laptop microphone if in person.
  3. Publish your episode: Use RSS publishing platforms like Buzzsprout or Podbean to distribute your podcast on major platforms like Apple and Spotify.

Overcoming Perfectionism

Perfection isn’t necessary to start a business or a podcast. The key is to begin and learn from the process. Surrounding yourself with a supportive community can motivate and inspire you to take the first step without fear of failure.

How To Start Digital Marketing With Podcasting

Benefits of Podcasting for Business

Podcasting can significantly benefit businesses by:

  • Expanding audience reach: Each guest shares the podcast with their network, potentially bringing new followers and customers.
  • Enhancing engagement: Sharing authentic stories and insights fosters a deeper connection with the audience.
  • Boosting traffic and inquiries: Podcasts can drive interest in your business, leading to increased membership and client inquiries.

The Power of Tribe in digital marketing with podcasting

The concept of “tribe” refers to a community of like-minded individuals who share common interests or goals. Building a tribe, businesses, and podcasts can create a strong, engaged community. This community supports, shares, and promotes content, contributing to the growth and success of the business or podcast.

Finding Your Niche In Digital Marketing With Podcasting

The foundation of any successful business lies in solving a problem. If you can solve someone’s issue, you have the basis for a viable product or service. Reflect on your skills and experience to determine what you excel at. This self-assessment will guide you in identifying your business’s focus.

Finding Your Niche In Digital Marketing With Podcasting

Utilizing Data for Business Decisions

Data-driven decision-making is crucial when starting a business or a podcast. Tools like Google Trends and Google Keyword Planner provide valuable insights into what people are searching for. This information helps in:

  • Optimizing content: Tailoring your offerings to meet the current demands.
  • Enhancing visibility: Improving your search engine rankings by using relevant keywords.

The Role of Content Strategy

A robust content strategy powered by thorough research and keywords can significantly improve your business’s online presence. This approach attracts the right audience and positions you as an authority in your niche.

Achieving Expert Status in Your Niche

Gaining recognition as an expert in your field can elevate your business. For example, achieving Kajabi Expert Status validates your expertise and dedication to your niche. This recognition is a powerful marketing tool, enhancing your credibility and attracting more clients.

Advice for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

For those considering starting their own business or podcast, the key steps include:

  1. Identify your expertise: Focus on areas where you can offer genuine value.
  2. Conduct thorough research: Use tools like Google Trends and Keyword Planner to understand market needs.
  3. Narrow your focus: Specialize deeply in a specific area to stand out.
  4. Leverage validation: Use any formal recognition or expert status to your advantage.
  5. Be patient and persistent: Success in a niche market requires time and consistent effort.

By following these steps and committing to continuous learning and improvement, you can carve out a successful niche for your business or podcast.

Staying Focused And Consistent In Digital Marketing With Podcasting

Entrepreneurs often face the temptation to pursue multiple opportunities. This can lead to a scattered business model that fails to deliver excellent results. The key to success is to stay focused on what you do best.

Staying Focused And Consistent In Digital Marketing With Podcasting

Advice on Focus and Specialization

  • Resist shiny objects: Avoid the lure of new ventures that distract from your core business.
  • Stay in your lane: Focus on your expertise to stand out from the competition.
  • Be specific: Clearly define what you offer to avoid confusing potential clients.
  • Simplify your message: A clear, straightforward message attracts more clients who understand your value.

The Importance of Patience

Patience plays a crucial role in building a successful business or podcast. It’s important to:

  • Keep publishing: Consistently release new content, even if initial engagement is low.
  • Understand the long game: Success takes time, with many podcasts not seeing significant traction until after many episodes.

Statistics on Podcasting

  • 90% of podcasts don’t make it past episode three.
  • Of those that do, another 90% don’t surpass episode 20.
  • Reaching episode 21 places you in the top 1% of podcasts, highlighting the importance of consistency and perseverance.

Atomic Habits for Success

  • Read “Atomic Habits”: This book offers valuable insights on building and maintaining habits that can propel you to success.
  • Apply habit stacking: Integrating new routines, like consistent podcast publishing, can significantly impact your success.
  • Focus on task completion: Completing tasks consistently leads to progress and achievement.

Staying focused on your core expertise, resisting the urge to expand too quickly, and maintaining consistency in your efforts are critical for long-term success. By applying these principles, entrepreneurs can build a strong, recognizable brand and achieve their business goals.

The Role of SEO In Digital Marketing With Podcasting

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is vital for enhancing a business’s online presence. Specifically, for platforms like Kajabi, optimizing content with relevant keywords can significantly improve search rankings. This approach led to remarkable visibility, such as ranking second in the USA for Kajabi-related searches.

The Role of SEO In Digital Marketing With Podcasting

Strategies for SEO Success

  • Continuous optimization: SEO isn’t a one-time task. Regular updates and optimizations based on changing algorithms are necessary.
  • Keyword research: Utilize tools like Google Analytics to monitor and adapt how users search for your content.
  • Measure and manage: Constantly track your SEO performance to make informed adjustments.

Podcasting and SEO

Podcasting can also play a key role in SEO strategy by:

  • Transforming episodes into SEO-optimized articles: This approach enhances content visibility.
  • Leveraging guest shares for backlinks: Encouraging podcast guests to link back to your site can significantly boost your site’s authority and ranking.

Implementing SEO in Kajabi and Other Platforms

When building or optimizing a business on Kajabi, focusing on SEO from the start is essential.

This involves:

  • Site and content optimization: Ensure the website and all content are fully optimized for search engines.
  • Developing a clear content plan: Create content with a strategic approach to improve search rankings.
  • Expanding reach through podcasting: Consider starting a podcast to enhance visibility and authority in your niche further.

Importance of Niching Down

Focusing on a specific niche and offering clear, targeted services or content can greatly enhance a business’s success. This clarity helps potential clients understand exactly what you offer, making choosing your services easier.


Andy’s journey from a corporate career to entrepreneurial freedom embodies the essence of innovation, resilience, and strategic focus. By transitioning from Disruptors Club to One Life, Andy adapted to changing needs, emphasizing personal fulfillment and community.

His story highlights the importance of seizing opportunities, understanding client needs, and pursuing fulfillment. Through his ventures, he demonstrates that starting small and leveraging authentic experiences, like podcasting, can significantly benefit business growth.

His experiences underline staying focused, leveraging data for business decisions, and the importance of patience and consistency in all business aspects.

Andy’s story offers valuable lessons on building a recognizable brand and achieving long-term success. This narrative is a powerful reminder of the potential within strategic focus, continuous improvement, and the power of sharing one’s journey to inspire others.


How do I choose the right strategies for digital marketing with Podcasting?

Start by defining your business goals and target audience. Research your audience’s preferences and behaviors online. Then, select strategies that align with these insights, such as SEO, content marketing, or social media advertising, and continuously monitor and adjust your approach based on performance data.

What are the key elements of a successful SEO strategy?

A successful SEO strategy includes keyword research to identify terms your audience is searching for, on-page optimization (such as using those keywords in your website content and meta tags), regularly creating high-quality, relevant content, and building backlinks from reputable sites.

What are the benefits of starting a podcast for my business?

Podcasts can help expand your reach, establish you as an authority in your field, create a deeper connection with your audience, and provide a platform for networking with guests. They can also drive traffic to your website and generate leads.

What role does data play in making business decisions?

Data provides insights into customer behavior, market trends, and the effectiveness of your marketing strategies. It helps you make informed decisions, optimize your marketing efforts, and tailor your offerings to meet your target audience’s needs better.

How can I achieve expert status in my niche?

Consistently produce high-quality content that addresses your audience’s questions and needs. Engage with your community through social media, forums, and networking events. Consider obtaining certifications or awards in your field and seek opportunities to speak at industry events.

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